SSH tunnelling for fun and profit: Tunnel options

If you have read the previous article of this series, you should be able to create forward and reverse tunnels with ease. In addition to the previously shown examples I will address some more advanced options for SSH tunnels in general.

Article series
SSH tunnelling for fun and profit
  1. Local vs Remote
  2. Tunnel options
  3. AutoSSH
  4. SSH Config

SSH Login shell

Remember the following example:

ssh -L 5000:localhost:3306

Once you have executed the above command, a tunnel is established. However, you will also be logged in into the remote server with a SSH session. If you simply want to do some port forwarding you will not need or might not even want a remote login session. You can disable it via -N, which is a very common option for SSH tunnels:

ssh -N -L 5000:localhost:3306

The -N option is also very useful when you want to create SSH tunnels via cron

Argument Explanation
-N After you connect just hang there (you won’t get a shell prompt)
SSH man: Do not execute a remote command.
Note: Only works with SSHv2

So if you are not going to execute remote commands and will not need a login shell, you also do not need to request a pseudo terminal in the first place.

ssh -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306
Argument Explanation
-T Disable pseudo-terminal allocation.
This makes it also safe for binary file transfer which might contain escape characters such as ~C.

SSH tunnel via cron

Imagine you want to have a SSH tunnel be established (or checked and if it doesn’t run re-opened) via cron every hour. For that to work, SSH must go into background. For that we use -f.

ssh -f -L 5000:localhost:3306
Argument Explanation
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.

But hey, if SSH is in the background anyway, we do not need a login shell (-N) and therefore also do not need a tty (-T). So the full command ready for cron would be:

ssh -f -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306

Note: Be aware that this example requires private/public key authentication as cron will not be able to enter passwords.

SSH tunnel on a non-standard port

What if the SSH server is listening on a non-standard port (not tcp22). You can always add a port option. Let’s imagine SSH itself is listening on port 1022:

ssh -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306 -p 1022
Argument Explanation
-p Port to connect to on the remote host.

SSH tunnel with a non standard private key

Let’s assume you have many different private keys for different servers. If not explicitly specified, SSH will look for a file called ~/.ssh/id_rsa. In this case however, your file is called ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli. So you will also pass this information to the tunnel command.

ssh -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli

SSH tunnel via SSH config

The most complex example from this tutorial is:

ssh -f -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306 -p 1022 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli

We all are lazy-ass and don’t want to type the whole thing every time we need a quick tunnel. This is where ~/.ssh/config comes into play.

Adding user and host

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
 Host cli
    User          cytopia

With this, we have created an alias cli for host with user cytopia. Now our command can be written like this:

ssh -f -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306 cli -p 1022 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli

Adding port and identity file

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
 Host cli
    User          cytopia
    Port          1022
    IdentityFile  ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli

Now the ssh command looks like this:

ssh -f -T -N -L 5000:localhost:3306 cli

Adding tunnel config

In the above example we have a generic configuration for the host which will work for normal ssh connection as well as for establishing a tunnel. Let’s copy all of the above block under a new alias cli-mysql-tunnel and add the tunnel specific configuration:

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
 Host cli-mysql-tunnel
    User          cytopia
    Port          1022
    IdentityFile  ~/.ssh/id_rsa-cytopia@everythingcli
    LocalForward  5000 localhost:3306

Now we can create the tunnel in a much shorter way:

ssh -f -T -N cli-mysql-tunnel


10 comments on “SSH tunnelling for fun and profit: Tunnel options”

  1. Pingback: 2 – SSH tunnelling for fun and profit: Tunnel options

  2. Pingback: SSH tunnel options | 0ddn1x: tricks with *nix

  3. Pingback: Links 17/1/2016: 4MLinux 16.0 Beta, Black Lab Linux 8 Alpha | Techrights

  4. Pingback: SSH tunnelling for fun and profit: Autossh

  5. Pingback: SSH tunnelling for fun and profit: SSH Config

  6. Pingback: SSH Basics and the SSH Config File – Richard Skumat's Website

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